request for proposals for VCCIS Immunology Pilot Study Grant

The Veterinary Comparative and Clinical Immunology Society (VCCIS) Inc. invites applications for funding of projects investigating clinical or comparative immunology of cats, dogs, food-producing animals or horses for up to a maximum sum of $6,000 and to be completed within three (3) years of funding being awarded. Such proposals may include, but are not limited to, investigations of immune-mediated disease, allergy, immunodeficiency, vaccine immunology, immunity to infectious diseases, and immunomodulatory therapies.  While novel approaches are welcomed, VCCIS will also be happy to consider proposals to repeat previous studies in a more robust manner to improve the quality of the evidence base.  VCCIS encourages a collaborative approach among some combination of clinicians, laboratory scientists, bioinformaticians, and human clinicians and researchers. Eligibility is limited to members of the VCCIS organization. A trainee (graduate student, resident, or fellow; VCCIS member) is eligible to be Principal Investigator (PI) if they are permitted by their institution to assume full administrative responsibility for the grant as PI by their institution; else, the trainee’s faculty mentor (and VCCIS member) should be the PI and the trainee should be Co-PI or other title permitted by their institution.(Please contact us if you have questions on whether a trainee or resident would meet this criterion.)

Priority will be given to proposed studies that:

  • Improve the management of animals with prevalent disease(s) that cause high morbidity or mortality; OR,
  • Are based on sound and current immunological principles

The deadline for proposals is 5 pm Eastern on March 3, 2025.

Applicants will be notified about funding around May 1, 2025 and funding will be provided around July 1, 2025.

The VCCIS grant is made possible by generous support from MG Biologics and Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd


Grant Submission Forms:

Followup Forms for Grant Recipients:

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